What is an SR-22 and how much is the cost?
An Arizona SR22 is essentially a proof of financial responsibility and is required after many DUI arrests and license suspensions. When you get an SR22 in Arizona, the insurance company must notify the MVD upon cancellation of insurance. This is effectively an extra measure to insure that a driver who the Department deems to be of a higher risk maintains constant insurance. For ordinary insurance, the insurance company would simply notify the MVD in the regular course of business, instead of making a special effort as in the SR22.
Budget Insurance can provide an Arizona SR-22 in conjunction with an auto insurance policy or a non-owners policy. The cost for an SR22 varies but averages $0-$20 over a six month term. This cost is in addition to the cost of the insurance policy. We can issue your SR-22 on the spot to satisfy the Arizona Courts and/or the Motor Vehicle Division.
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